Field Notes Essay

Sisters in Sweat

The Welcoming

“Hello! My name is Amelia Cataldo, I am currently a freshman at City College of New York and am reaching out to you on behalf of an assignment for my English 21002 class…”. With a simple introduction, I am welcomed into the world of The New Body Project. As I turned the corner onto 6th Ave, a beautiful maroon brick building appeared on my right. With a short set of stairs protruding from the sidewalk, an unlabeled door appeared on the right. As I entered, I became emerged in a large room full of positive energy. The light brown hardwood floors accentuated by the natural light brought great beauty to the room. The large window covering the wall introduces a sight of buildings while bringing the warmth and energy of the outside sunlight. As I walk farther into the room, I am greeted with a polite “Good Morning!” and a brief introduction from the owner Danielle. With decor of flowers on the windowsill and pillows decorating the window nook, minimalist colors were represented and the environment portrayed the feeling of calmness. As I am greeted by a beautiful black woman, who held herself professionally, I am kindly told that I am welcome to observe from the back of the room, and I seated myself in a cubby area. The cubby protruded from the back wall, obtaining the ability to be hidden behind a curtain, and took up almost the whole wall. It is located next to the restroom which filled the remaining space, ending at the adjacent wall. Black yoga mats fill the sky blue rectangle storage box located behind me, with women’s clothing and extra equipment being located on shelves on my sides. In front of me are 5 women of various ages, races, and body shapes who are warming up for their session on their own, with two women discussing their current states of life. Danielle then tells the women it is time to stretch together and the class begins. 

35 x 2

As stretching begins, Danielle assists the women in assuring each of them are doing their stretches correctly, and acts out the stretch with them to represent the correct stance. As the women continue to stretch, Adriana, one of Danielle’s clients, tells Danielle “I went out last night and I feel hungover” and the room breaks out in laughter. The laughter brings relief to the tense women as they begin to learn about their workout for this session. Danielle begins to announce the five stations that the women will complete, and the women stand in concentration mimicking her physical arm sways and motions of the workout to ensure their personal accuracy during the circuits.

The Action.
Image courtesy of Danielle.

[Image Description: There are 5 women working out, they are all participating in a different circuit and are spread out amongst the room. One woman holds a tire above their head, one holds two dumbbells over their shoulder, one uses the TRX, and one sits and holds one dumbbell over their shoulder. The window behind them is fogged from rain.]

The five stations are mentioned, consisting of a cardio workout of shuffling across the room incorporating colored cones as guides, and weights to increase the intensity of the workout. That is followed by jumps to ensure main cardio work, an armband to promote arm strength, the incorporation of TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) to do push-ups, and a final station consisting of sit-ups on a yoga mat. With the deep and detailed description of the circuits assuring clear understanding for her clients, the women each choose one to start at and are instructed that they will be completing 2 rotations of each station for 35 seconds each. With the circuits allowing the inclusivity of multiple workouts and ease of sets, Danielle’s use of circuits are consistent throughout her trainings. As the workout begins, Danielle blasts female rap from her speaker to hype up the girls. Artists such as the rising singer Ice Spice, and Rihanna are played and with Danielle’s fun dance moves, the positive energy in the room increases. All doubt or exhaustion represented is quickly ceased due to Danielle’s constant words of affirmation, including saying such as “Good job ladies” and “Keep it up”. With the intense focus of each of the women throughout their workouts, the sweat and smiles continue. 

Family Time

With the conclusion of the first circuit, the integration of “family time”, as named by Danielle, ensues. The women are instructed that their workout for this section is going to be a jump squat, but it will include a high five with a woman on the other side. The choice of interaction and seemingly silly action brought the women great laughter and immersed the room in laughter and smiles. The physical connection felt between the women created an understanding and welcoming of all people present in the room. The short integration of the human contact helped the room break tension and represented the real connection that the woman held with each other. As the issue of women’s safety throughout a co-ed gym is a continuously increasing issue, the comfortability represented is not one seen in a typical gym environment. In USA Today, an article by Jenna Ryu published in 2022 titled Some Women are Sick of Being Harassed at Gyms. Are Women’s-Only Gyms Fixing the Problem, the argument of women’s comfort throughout a gym is investigated. Addressed in the third paragraph of her article, a recent survey conducted by FitRated found that out of 900 women, 71% of them changed their workout routine due to an unwanted encounter or experience in a gym. As the women continued their family time, the room contained no sense of unwanted presence. While discussing this topic with Danielle, she explained her opinions on co-ed gyms, mentioning how she “… heard stories of how co-ed gyms were not supported, and how women… go there and feel like they’re being watched. Men [are] trying to talk to them and all they [want] to do is workout…” (Cataldo). We discussed how the feeling of uncomfortability for women in a gym has created a high demand and advocacy for her business. 

The conclusion of family time led to a water break, where Danielle personally asks all the women if they brought water today. With only one answering yes, Danielle goes out to her car to grab her previously purchased water for the girls. In her absence, the women relax on the window ledge and begin to communicate and relax. One woman sways to the music while she lips syncs to the music, while the others stretch and remain loose. The relaxation and comfort fill the room, in contrast to the feeling of a stereotypical isolated gym. In the article ‘There’s a difference between tolerance and acceptance’: Exploring women’s experience of barriers to access UK gyms by L.A. Turnock, the issue of the men’s engagement of women at a gym is mentioned, regarding the fact that women are there for a workout and not out to seek a partner. This issue leads to women’s isolation throughout a gym, leaving out possible connections or relationships between the people. Turner states that “While ‘lad culture’ [is] highlighted as a specific problem owing to the aggressive behaviors noted, several participants complain that even ‘harmless’ male interest put them off training: ‘When guys like to hit on you… I just really don’t like it. I don’t think any girl likes it, I just want to go to the gym, then I want to go home.’ (Hannah, 19)” (Turnock 6). The individuality of a co-ed gym leaves an environment full of individualism, which Danielle aims to combat throughout her environment. Upon Danielle’s return, she holds a 24-pack of water and hands one to each person in the room individually. The kindness of the gesture ensured that all the women not only were part of an environment that made them feel comfortable but also ensured they remained healthy and nurtured.

After the short rest, the women are instructed that they are going to complete the circuits again. As the circuits began, the women worked hard on themselves, as Danielle assured to constantly update the women on their times and stayed on top of their form. At certain times, when the women were exhausted and the music would stop, Danielle takes notice and quickly announces to the women that “That’s the song, not your time!” in a friendly and loving way. The exhausted woman laugh with the general understanding they were ready to end their circuit and looked forward to the alarm indicating the 35 seconds is concluded. With the rigorous self-motivation needed within each woman to complete their circuit, the spurts of laughter were seen to lighten the fatigue. With the conclusion of the second circuit, family time arrives again. 

The second family time consists of the women in a push-up position, clapping their partner’s hand diagonal to their own, and singing patty cake. As Danielle gave these instructions, the women laugh and immediately get into position to start. As they begin, Danielle loudly tells the women “I need to hear it”, and is followed by a woman stating “I don’t know the words”. As I watch the love in the room, it reminds me of how Danielle explained to me the way sees the environment herself.  “I describe the community in my gym as wholesome, I describe it as beautiful. They have integrity, they have commitment, and they understand the notion of transformation, it’s not just a transformation of your body, it’s also a transformation of your mind and it’s a transformation of your heart” (Cataldo). The comment is immediately followed by energetic laughter and smiles filling the room as they tiredly clap hands with their partner. The exhaustion brings understanding, and the support brings confidence. 

Image courtesy of Danielle.

[Image Description: Three women lay on their mats on the floor. One holds a square object above her head, one holds an object directly above her face, and one sits in relaxation. There is a window behind them, and a sign posted of a kettlebell and “The New Body Project” advertised in the middle.]

In USA Today, Jenna Ryu interviewed a woman named Lauren Lozier who told her that “‘It [is] nice to have your own space where you don’t have to worry about [people] thinking weird things’, she says, calling the experience ‘peaceful’” (Ryu). It could be seen that the feeling of the community allowed the women to enjoy themselves during their workout, and the laughter kept the environment positive. Turnock mentions the fact that in a co-ed gym, “The masculine performances on display in the weights room, and expectation that women fit their training around men rather than the inverse are symbolic of the way women’s bodies are ‘authorized’ in such spaces, again necessitating greater emotional and physical labor for women to participate in training” (Turnock 5). Each hardship introduced to a typical gym leaves women less inclined to work out, leaving the environment of the New Body Project to be intriguing for many women. 

The third circuit now ensues, with Danielle telling the tired women that “Today’s killer cardio, if you need a reminder”, with one woman’s weary “yes” response making the women burst out in laughter. The third circuit is conducted by Danielle in the same as the others, but the reduction of 5 seconds on the timer gives the women a sigh of relief. The ending of the final circuit led a woman to ask Danielle if she could incorporate the beloved piece of equipment, the “Jumanji”. Danielle laughed and tells the women to “Find your teammate, find your sister in sweat”. The women are told that for the final family time, and they will be doing a relay race. As one woman jokingly stated “I don’t have the energy for running today”, the woman laugh and Danielle sarcastically responded, “It’s killer cardio today Alysshia!”. With the women lining up at the back of the room, Danielle blasts Eye of the Tiger and dances to it while standing on the window ledge. Smiles and laughter fill the face of everyone in the room, and the space fills with positivity and love. Each step in the relay is accompanied by a smile, and the feeling of happiness resonated through the women. At 9:48, after the short and joyful relay, the women officially completed their workout. 

The Connection

With the conclusion of the workout came the time for stretching and relaxation. The women went straight into stretching showing it as a routine and begin to settle down. With the loud, hype music coming to an end, the room began to be filled with conversation. Danielle asks everyone if they remember names, with the response of a kind “No” from a woman named Jessie stunting laughter. Jessie argues that although she is bad at remembering names, she does remember everyone’s facts about their family and current lifestyle. With the in-depth description stated by Jessie, the women sit in awe as it is shown how much they know about each other and the type of conversations they typically have. The positive mindset the women have on each other is seen throughout the friendly conversation, as one discusses her birthday and the others asks questions and gives recommendations for restaurants and karaoke venues. As Danielle and I discussed the community through her gym, she told me how it is important to her that “… it lets [the girls]  know that they are welcome, that they can achieve or do anything because they have the support of so many different people” (Cataldo). After long conversations with a little stretching, the women sanitize their mats and head out. At 10:12, everyone is gone. 


The New Body Project is one that contains a bright future and one that helps many women in feeling safe and loved throughout the process of working out. Throughout the exhaustion and dreariness from working out, the environment was full of laughter and smiles during nearly every moment. The program promotes safety and comfort for women as they put themselves in a vulnerable state, leading to an enjoyable experience as they participate in an activity that they love. The kindness and love felt throughout the room can be foreseen to grow into a larger corporation and promote change in the experience of workout out.  Gyms containing the same mindset as the New Body Project are predicted by Danielle and many more to thrive in the future, with the argument that they will promote safety for women in an environment that they enjoy. Although the creation of a women-only gym does not address the problem of men’s view of women, it is a simple way for women to support each other. Observing the environment was a beautiful experience, with the support of the women bringing ease to my research and positivity to my writing. The love represented throughout a small group of sweat sisters is one that changes these women’s lives and shifts their view on working out as a woman. 

Work Cited

Ryu, J. (2022, February 26). Some women are sick of being harassed at gyms. Are women’s-only gyms fixing the problem? USA Today.

Turnock, L.A. (2021). ‘There’s a difference between tolerance and acceptance’: Exploring women’s experiences of barriers to access in UK gyms (Vol. 2). Wellbeing, Space and Society. 100049

Cataldo, A (2023). New Body Project Interview [Unpublished paper]. City College of New York. 

Cataldo, A (2023). NewBody Project Observation [Unpublished paper]. City College of New York.